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It should be easy, right?  We’ve been having problems for a while.  We know we need help on it but that internal voice keeps telling us:

“You can think your way out of this. You don’t need any help. It will get better.”

Why See Ashley?


Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way.  In spite of your attempts to cope or to understand why you’re feeling a certain way, you’re stuck.  You continue to engage in patterns of behaviors that aren’t working for you. Your thoughts may be are overwhelming and negative – it could be so normal that you don’t notice these thoughts are toxic to your self-esteem, self-worth, and how you view the world.  Because of this, you lose touch with that feeling of joy and peace that is inherent in being alive and human.

Working with a clinical counsellor can help. We will examine your life in a kind and non-judgmental way. We will seek to understand the ‘why’ – the drivers and motivating factors – that have so much power over your life.  You will learn ways to give the ‘whys’ less power.  I invite you to contact me to re-connect with yourself and experience positive change, growth, and peace.

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