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Hi, I'm Ashley

I want to welcome you to a safe place for a better tomorrow.

Anxiety &


Binge Eating

Emotional Eating

Stress Eating

Grief & Loss

Creating a

Balanced Life

Do you constantly worry about what may happen? Are you stressed out when things don’t work out perfectly? Does it make it difficult to get through your day? Does it prevent you from doing things or going places? If any of this sounds familiar, it might be anxiety.


There are lots of great resources to help you work through anxiety. I am here to help you look at your worries in a different way and strategies to work with the anxiety.



Do you binge on foods and feel guilty about it later? Maybe a handful of chips has turned into the whole bag disappearing? Do you think about food non-stop? Do you worry about what your body looks like? If so, we should talk.


I am trained in Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT), one of the only evidence-based programs developed to decrease binge eating behaviors and improve one's relationship with food.



One thing is for certain in this world - life changes; whether we are ready for it or not. 


Grief and loss can look a few different ways:  it can the death of a loved one, it can be an ending of a relationship - either our choice or theirs, it can be the loss of the life we once had - perhaps we are a new parent; we've moved to a new community; or we've lost our job or back at school training for a different career. 



Modern life can be challenging. A woman is under tremendous pressure to be the perfect wife, mother, friend, daughter, employee… the list is endless. A man today is also under the constant pressure of expectations to be a great husband, father, provider, invincible, and stoic.


Do you find yourself in the habit of always telling others, “I’m fine” when deep

down you’re just not feeling quite right? I am here to support you in the creation of a healthy and balanced life.



506-550 Osprey Avenue, Kelowna, BC  |  (236) 301-6245  |

© 2020-2025 Ashley Phillips Counseling. All Rights Reserved.

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